
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why has technology forsaken me?

Hello everyone and thank you for coming,

     I'm here to share a rather sad story for anyone that will listen (although judging from the immeasurable amount of comments that my blog receives, I may very well be talking to myself, lol).  In the off chance that there is someone out there in cyberspace, let us begin.  For anyone that knows me outside of my penguin suit, you are well aware that I take knowledge and technology very seriously.  I am a lifelong fan of all things that involve learning and expanding one's intelligence.  I myself am drawing near to the close of my second try in college. I'm much older and wiser now than the last time and I have to say that overall, I have had a great experience.  I have amassed a great deal of knowledge regarding information technology, security and networking not only from standard teaching methods but in the interaction with instructors and fellow students, with whom I have also shared many lessons of life.  This is not to say that I have recently had a bad experience but an experience none the less.

   If you know anything about my academic career you would know that I am very much involved with the company, Cisco Systems.  My degree is actually a supplement to an educational program that the company itself oversees.  Because I have been in direct contact with Cisco ideas, theories, and news for the better part of the last two years, I naturally gravitated towards the recent headlines regarding the network giant, for a paper that I was instructed to write.

    Yes, I am referring to my last blog post regarding Mr. John Chambers.  John is currently the standing C.E.O. of the corporation.  As I wrote my paper, it dawned on me that anyone that would read my blog here would love an article like that.  Money, drama and Cisco!  After all, John Chambers is like the Bruce Wayne of Networking Technology, right? Was it a foolish decision to post my academic endeavor on the internet for all to see?  Hardly.  That very thing is the freedom of speech which so many of us utilize to spread worthwhile ideas.  So then, what is all of the fuss about?

      Out of respect for my school as well as my instructors, I will not go into any details other than the fact that our English Department utilizes a web based tool to check student assignments for plagiarism.  Even across the web, I can hear the wheels squeaking and slowly starting to roll in everyone's mind.

1) Yes, my school thinks that I plagiarized an essay that was found, rather easily on the internet.

2) Yes, I DO feel like a moron.  I plagiarized myself, wouldn't you?

3) No, I don't feel like I did anything wrong, and....

4) Yes, maybe I should have told my professor that I was going to use my spectacular paper as a blog AND as an assignment before I submitted the document to him.

5) Yes, I am glad that my blog showed up so easily in a search engine (normally a very exciting thing!)

    Like everyone knows, hindsight is 20/20 and rest assured I will not shoot myself twice in the same foot. Now, I may use the same gun, but surely not the same foot. Hopefully, this matter will be resolved quickly as I would hate for a poor decision to tarnish my educational reputation, but only time will tell.  I just wanted anyone reading this to know that all works presented on this blog, unless otherwise noted, are the sole property of NetLock IT Systems, c/o Paul G**far. (I have to remain pseudonymous to some extent; it's the internet for crying out loud).  That being said, no works published here may be copied, referenced, sold, or used in other way without the express written permission of the author.  If for some ridiculous reason, you do want to reference something I have said while on my virtual soapbox, feel free to leave a comment here and I will be in touch.

Thank you and God Bless,

Paul M. ****** (ha-ha thought I was going to spill the beans didn't ya!)

F.Y.I., while this is a technology blog, I understand that some may land here in a misguided search attempt for "Matlock" or something to that effect.  For anyone that doesn't know, I use a pen name "Xunil Urug".  I can hear some of you grumbling already. That's not my space name given to me on the 10th moon of Xyzop, and I don't like Star Trek or live in my mother's basement so let’s put that rumor to rest lol.  If you transpose the letters, it actually spells Linux Guru.  Linux is an operating system much like Windows or Mac OSX but better....ok, ok, you get the point.  I'll save that rant for next time.


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